Monday, October 25

Bad day ...but it's only 9:15 am......

When it rains, it pours!!
So upholding my belief that bad things happen in threes here is how my Monday has happened.
While driving early in the am I experience a blow out of my left front tire. I am able to safely get to the shoulder where I then go into a quick panic mode. While on the phone with Mama Bombshell a tow truck pulls up behind me. "I didn't call a tow truck, mom!!" He offers to put my spare on FREE OF CHARGE....!!! So in about 20 minutes I'm on my merry way, great right? Not so much because barely 5 minutes on the road CHP pulls up behind me... =( Again on the phone with Mama Bombshell I say "Hey I gotta go I'm about to get pulled over...." MB "Are you serious? Were you speeding?" Me " Ummmm mom, I have a doughnut on ...why would I speed...I gotta go!"
Sure enough... the flashing lights begin and I am once again pulled over on the shoulder... while I am waiting for the polite officer to write up my ticket , I happen to check my twitter and see a tweet from my coworker... "Where are you?"
This has to be a sick joke..... I'm off today there is no possible way he could be talking about what I think he's talking about!! A quick phone call confirms my fears... I mistakely thought I was off work today!!! My scheduled shift was for 6:30 am it is now 8:25 am....FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!
I call my manager and just throw myself at his mercy...Luckily he's pretty understanding and the fact that I've NEVER had a scheduling issue before doesn't hurt I'm sure. And I'm still able to clock in my dough for the day because I still had to come into work.
Sigh..... Even The Bombshell wishes she had a "Stand-in" sometimes.....
** I was given a free bottle of bottoms up**


Candice said...

Gosh, I'm sorry you had such a crazy day:-( I really despise days like that. Why did the cop give you a ticket?

Anonymous said...


Bombshell Bella said...

@candice girl it was time I guess...and my tags are I was expecting to get one..just not that

@Janeen It was a crazy