Monday, March 9


SO my girls got me to leave the comfort of my bed thursday night! FINALLY! its been a while since i hit a club and even longer since i did it during the week. I just haven't been feeling it lately... After a quick text session with my boy Slap... we hit up impala in san francisco (501 broadway, sf, ca) . Girl talk in the car on the way to the club is always fun. Talks of book writing...(Nana do it) and men issues...(always) we get to the parking problem. *eyeroll* fucking san francisco man! As we being our little hike to the club i notice a car of the fresh clubbers...and think to myself..Man i'm really getting old for this. once we are ushered in...i really just people watch.... get my super two step on...and people watch.

OKAY FELLAS... lets just act like we get out of the house you have been around women. If i am standing on the opposite side of a table and you come up and grab my hand to try and dance and not only do i not move from around the table but politely take my hand away...i dont want to dance with please just stop...i really hate being rude...because i really appericate the attention...but you are not going to force yourself on me. be real do you really want a pity dance? the whole "its a party, have fun" excuse...does not work with me...i have done more partying than most people...and alot of times for me it was a job.... the way over 40 possibly just got out of jail cat... who got so excited when his song came on he felt the need to slap me hella hard on my thigh..out of no where.. (the jack stoneface) come on ....have you never been around women. you knew you were wrong because when you saw my reaction you immediately began apoligizing.

this tidbit goes for the gentleman in the mall sunday that felt the need to call me "bougie." Before when i was younger i would fight that, talk to you and take your number or give you mine and avoid you. bbuuuttt...i'm way too fuck it..yes i am bougie...and! Though i'm not 100 percent on what i want..i know what i dont want ..and you fell in the NOPE category....and your little "insult"...was just the thing to make my day... I was in a hurry.. you didnt appeal to me and the yelling across the crowded mall "hey you in the purple"...was not the cool yes i purposely ignored
Its good to go after what we want...actually its sexy! but know your limitations. and dont go the pity route to get it...thats not sexy...
whew ...i think i'm done!!!!

here are some flicks..just in case you miss me..

until next time here's my lipstick

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